Shah Rukh Khan‘s cousin in Pakistan, Noor Jehan, as per reviews, will be contesting from the Peshawar constituency in the General Elections. A portal has quoted Noor saying that she hopes other folks improve her in the similar approach they improve Shah Rukh Khan.
Noor plans to contest as an impartial candidate on a basic seat. Noor, who is Shah Rukh’s paternal cousin, informed a day by day that she desires to paintings for women empowerment. She also reportedly professed that she’d like to concentrate on the issues in her constituency.
As per reviews, Noor Jehan has visited SRK twice up to now and the families have all the time been involved.
Moreover, during a press match, Shah Rukh Khan had published how he wishes his kids to look Peshawar. A information agency had earlier quoted the ‘Zero’ actor saying that his family is from Peshawar and few of them nonetheless are living there. He further published that he would like to discuss with Peshawar and take his children over. He added that he nonetheless has some of the greatest reminiscences of the time he spent along with his father in Peshawar, Karachi, and Lahore. And he just wishes that he could take his children there someday. He even praised the folk from the region being heat and inviting.
Well, it’s but to decipher what Shah Rukh Khan has to say about Noor’s plans.
Noor plans to contest as an impartial candidate on a basic seat. Noor, who is Shah Rukh’s paternal cousin, informed a day by day that she desires to paintings for women empowerment. She also reportedly professed that she’d like to concentrate on the issues in her constituency.
As per reviews, Noor Jehan has visited SRK twice up to now and the families have all the time been involved.
Moreover, during a press match, Shah Rukh Khan had published how he wishes his kids to look Peshawar. A information agency had earlier quoted the ‘Zero’ actor saying that his family is from Peshawar and few of them nonetheless are living there. He further published that he would like to discuss with Peshawar and take his children over. He added that he nonetheless has some of the greatest reminiscences of the time he spent along with his father in Peshawar, Karachi, and Lahore. And he just wishes that he could take his children there someday. He even praised the folk from the region being heat and inviting.
Well, it’s but to decipher what Shah Rukh Khan has to say about Noor’s plans.
SRK’s cousin to contest polls in Pakistan
Reviewed by Kailash
June 09, 2018