CHENNAI: An source of revenue tax department appeal challenging Rs 1.16 crore penalty from actor Trisha Krishnan has been rejected by way of the Madras prime court. The department imposed penalty at the big name for alleged non-disclosure of quantities gained as advance as source of revenue.
"The assessee is not guilty of deliberate concealment of income and is not liable to be mulcted with penalty under the Income Tax Act," said the primary bench of Chief Justice Indira Banerjee and Justice M Sundar.
Trisha, within the early stages of assessment for 2010-11, had no longer disclosed the volume gained from some resources as source of revenue however as advances. When the assessment started, she filed a revised go back pointing out the volume as advance. The assessment officer, then again, assessed it as source of revenue and levied a penalty of Rs 1.11 crore.
"The assessee is not guilty of deliberate concealment of income and is not liable to be mulcted with penalty under the Income Tax Act," said the primary bench of Chief Justice Indira Banerjee and Justice M Sundar.
Trisha, within the early stages of assessment for 2010-11, had no longer disclosed the volume gained from some resources as source of revenue however as advances. When the assessment started, she filed a revised go back pointing out the volume as advance. The assessment officer, then again, assessed it as source of revenue and levied a penalty of Rs 1.11 crore.
Trisha not liable to pay Rs 1.16 crore penalty: HC
Reviewed by Kailash
June 17, 2018