Trump calls former aide Omarosa a 'dog'

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump lashed out at his former "Apprentice" and White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman Tuesday in particularly angry phrases, slamming her as a "dog" and a "crazed, crying lowlife" as her tell-all book hit stores.

Manigault Newman -- who first received reputation as a contestant on Trump's truth TV display -- has dripped out recordings of embarrassing personal conversations at the White House as she promotes a memoir about her time with "The Donald."

Her book -- which paints Trump as a racist, liar and a "germophobe" with a "total lack of empathy" -- has plunged the White House and the president into recent disaster, and her feedback to the media have ruled US headlines for days.

Team Trump answered furiously, launching a marketing campaign to discredit her and pursuing legal action in opposition to her for breaking an apparent non-disclosure settlement.

Trump had already branded "Omarosa" -- as she is repeatedly recognized in America -- a "lowlife" after she released a recording of her firing by means of leader of staff John Kelly, seemingly recorded in the White House Situation Room.

And after she released a recording of a conversation she had with Trump after her firing, he repeated called her "wacky."

But on Tuesday, he ratcheted up the war of words -- to a level of nastiness infrequently noticed, even from a president who has shown he does no longer pull punches when insulting his critics.

"When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn't work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!" Trump tweeted.

His remark right away triggered complaint on all sides of the political aisle.

"This kind of language is unbecoming of a President of the United States. There is no excuse for it, and Republicans should not be okay with it," said Republican Senator Jeff Flake, a widespread Trump critic.

"How dare he? He has taken this country to its knees," said Democratic congresswoman Frederica Wilson.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders argued that Trump's insults don't have anything to do with race or gender.

"The president is an equal opportunity person that calls things like he sees it. He always fights fire with fire and doesn't hold back on doing that across the board," Sanders said.

The book and the recordings by means of the disgruntled 44-year-old Manigault Newman, once an ardent Trump ally, represents a shocking breach of presidential trust.

On Tuesday, she defined to CBS News why she made the recordings: "I'm the kind of person who covers her own back. In Trump World, everyone lies."

"Everyone says one thing one day and they change their story the next day. I wanted to have this type of documentation... in the event I found myself in this position where, as you said, they're questioning my credibility."

Just how a lot she documented of her time in the White House is now of prepared pastime to her former colleagues and, in all probability, to big counsel Robert Mueller.

Manigault Newman said she had already spoken to the person who is having a look into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether or not Team Trump colluded with Moscow to tip the scales. She additionally says she is willing to take action once more.

Manigault Newman's book, "Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House," hit bookstores and digital platforms on Tuesday.

Largely self-serving, it describes the daily firefighting of lifestyles at the Trump marketing campaign after which in the White House.

"Donald Trump's single greatest character flaw as a leader and human being is his complete and total lack of empathy," she writes, describing the president as a "friend" however attacking him relentlessly.

"Nothing has more meaning to Donald than himself," she says, alleging that he and his wife Melania sleep in separate rooms and that Trump has introduced a tanning bed with him to the White House.

Perhaps the sternest complaint is of Trump's abilities -- Manigault Newman describes him as an excellent businessman however "just this side of functionally illiterate," prone to "forgetfulness and frustration" and in a state of "mental decline" that "could not be denied."

Manigault Newman has steered that Trump has been recorded the usage of racial slurs -- one thing Trump denies.

CBS News aired a recording of what seems to be her and different marketing campaign aides hatching a plan to tamp down the damage if this type of tape of Trump existed.

Katrina Pierson, a kind of aides, told CNN Tuesday she had handiest entertained the possibility Trump uttered an epithet to placate Manigault Newman so she may transfer the conversation on.

Despite Trump's denials, Sanders said she may no longer ensure the president had by no means used racial slurs.

"I haven't been in every single room," she said.
Trump calls former aide Omarosa a 'dog' Trump calls former aide Omarosa a 'dog' Reviewed by Kailash on August 15, 2018 Rating: 5
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