LUCKNOW: After Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray visited Ayodhya, and after VHP's Dharm Sabha, the Sena has determined to gather and ship bricks from across Uttar Pradesh to the temple the town for the development of a Ram temple. The exercise will begin on December 6, marking 26 years for the reason that Babri masjid was once demolished.
On November 24, throughout his maiden visit to Ayodhya, Uddhav Thackeray had dared BJP to convey a law to pave the best way for the development of a Ram temple on the disputed web page.
Shiv Sena state president Anil Singh said the birthday celebration would organise "shila pujan", or brick consecration, in all UP districts. "These bricks would subsequently be collected in Lucknow and transported to Ayodhya. This would be part of Shiv Sena's contribution to the issue which has been pending for long," he said. The "shila pujan" can be held at 3 pm on December 6.
Shiv Sena's transfer comes amid experiences of VHP kicking off a power to post representations to MPs to convey a law for temple construction in Ayodhya. A bunch of VHP functionaries had met BJP MP Manoj Tewari who reportedly confident them he would convey a personal member's invoice within the Winter Session of Parliament. Earlier this month, BJP Rajya Sabha MP Rakesh Sinha, additionally an RSS philosopher, too had said he would convey a personal member's invoice in Parliament.
The temple the town is already abuzz with experiences of VHP bringing in more stones and artisans to the Ramjanmabhoomi workshop in Ayodhya.
The Sena state president said he had passed over a silver brick to Uddhav Thackeray throughout his contemporary visit to Ayodhya. Thackeray later gave it to Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas chief Nritya Gopal Das as a symbolic gesture, marking Sena's long term plans to convey bricks to the temple the town.
Experts say that Shiv Sena, which has upped the ante against BJP lately, is playing the Hindutva card to make its presence felt in UP forward of the Lok Sabha elections and Maharashtra assembly elections due next year.
On November 24, throughout his maiden visit to Ayodhya, Uddhav Thackeray had dared BJP to convey a law to pave the best way for the development of a Ram temple on the disputed web page.
Shiv Sena state president Anil Singh said the birthday celebration would organise "shila pujan", or brick consecration, in all UP districts. "These bricks would subsequently be collected in Lucknow and transported to Ayodhya. This would be part of Shiv Sena's contribution to the issue which has been pending for long," he said. The "shila pujan" can be held at 3 pm on December 6.
Shiv Sena's transfer comes amid experiences of VHP kicking off a power to post representations to MPs to convey a law for temple construction in Ayodhya. A bunch of VHP functionaries had met BJP MP Manoj Tewari who reportedly confident them he would convey a personal member's invoice within the Winter Session of Parliament. Earlier this month, BJP Rajya Sabha MP Rakesh Sinha, additionally an RSS philosopher, too had said he would convey a personal member's invoice in Parliament.
The temple the town is already abuzz with experiences of VHP bringing in more stones and artisans to the Ramjanmabhoomi workshop in Ayodhya.
The Sena state president said he had passed over a silver brick to Uddhav Thackeray throughout his contemporary visit to Ayodhya. Thackeray later gave it to Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas chief Nritya Gopal Das as a symbolic gesture, marking Sena's long term plans to convey bricks to the temple the town.
Experts say that Shiv Sena, which has upped the ante against BJP lately, is playing the Hindutva card to make its presence felt in UP forward of the Lok Sabha elections and Maharashtra assembly elections due next year.
Shiv Sena to collect bricks for Ram Temple
Reviewed by Kailash
November 29, 2018