PUNE/ MUMBAI: After dairies in the state upped the ante on their stand on preventing milk pouch packaging, state environment minister Ramdas Kadam known as a gathering on December 11 to find a technique to the issue. The meeting can be attended by means of dairy representatives, dairy development minister and environment division officers to get to the bottom of the “false impression” over pouches.
Kadam clarified that the department had now not barred plastic manufacturers from supplying plastic sheets. He said dairies should ensure the uncooked material is stamped to ensure it’s now not used for the rest. Kadam said milk suppliers have only been instructed to ensure a proper ‘buy-back’ scheme of used pouches, which they've now not but achieved.
Dairy representatives had instructed TOI on Friday that over 200 large dairies have been likely to forestall polythene packaging and purchasing milk from farmers even if one among them ran out of plastic film after the 3rd week of December.
Plastic manufacturers in the state and Daman had in November determined to forestall plastic film (used to make milk pouches) provides to dairies bringing up issues over their inability to organize an extended manufacturer accountability (EPR) plan beneath the plastic ban in the state. The EPR involves modalities of a waste assortment gadget submitted to authorities for approval. The dairies expressed inability to organize an EPR, bringing up impracticality in implementation.
Once dairies forestall pouch packaging, milk provides usually are affected as there can be no selection.
Kadam said, “We only said milk pouches should have a deposit of 50 paise to Re1 each, and as soon as empty, they should be returned by means of consumers for recycling in lieu of the deposit. But that's not being achieved.”
Prakash Kutwal, secretary, Milk Producers’ and Processors’ Welfare Association, which has 203 participants in the state, said even if one dairy runs out of film after December 15, the association can be notified. “Within three days, different dairies will forestall pouch packaging. Dairies have doubled shares of film so that no person must come to some degree the place pouch packaging stops, particularly for the good thing about farmers and consumers. Even if one dairy proprietor runs out of film, all dairies will stand by means of him,” said Kutwal.
Kadam clarified that the department had now not barred plastic manufacturers from supplying plastic sheets. He said dairies should ensure the uncooked material is stamped to ensure it’s now not used for the rest. Kadam said milk suppliers have only been instructed to ensure a proper ‘buy-back’ scheme of used pouches, which they've now not but achieved.
Dairy representatives had instructed TOI on Friday that over 200 large dairies have been likely to forestall polythene packaging and purchasing milk from farmers even if one among them ran out of plastic film after the 3rd week of December.
Plastic manufacturers in the state and Daman had in November determined to forestall plastic film (used to make milk pouches) provides to dairies bringing up issues over their inability to organize an extended manufacturer accountability (EPR) plan beneath the plastic ban in the state. The EPR involves modalities of a waste assortment gadget submitted to authorities for approval. The dairies expressed inability to organize an EPR, bringing up impracticality in implementation.
Once dairies forestall pouch packaging, milk provides usually are affected as there can be no selection.
Kadam said, “We only said milk pouches should have a deposit of 50 paise to Re1 each, and as soon as empty, they should be returned by means of consumers for recycling in lieu of the deposit. But that's not being achieved.”
Prakash Kutwal, secretary, Milk Producers’ and Processors’ Welfare Association, which has 203 participants in the state, said even if one dairy runs out of film after December 15, the association can be notified. “Within three days, different dairies will forestall pouch packaging. Dairies have doubled shares of film so that no person must come to some degree the place pouch packaging stops, particularly for the good thing about farmers and consumers. Even if one dairy proprietor runs out of film, all dairies will stand by means of him,” said Kutwal.
Maharashtra minister calls for meet to resolve milk pouch issue
Reviewed by Kailash
December 09, 2018