MUMBAI: Prerna Arora, who runs an A-lister film production house, was arrested by Mumbai police’s economic offences wing on Saturday for allegedly cheating some other production company of Rs 31.6 crore. This is the fourth cheating case filed against her this 12 months and he or she’s been booked in three similar frauds collectively involving Rs 66 crore, said police assets.
EOW’s housing unit arrested Arora, director of KriArj Entertainment, which has produced, dispensed and promoted motion pictures similar to ‘Padman’ and ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’. She was produced sooner than the vacation court docket, which remanded her to police custody.
EOW’s housing unit arrested Arora, director of KriArj Entertainment, which has produced, dispensed and promoted motion pictures similar to ‘Padman’ and ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’. She was produced sooner than the vacation court docket, which remanded her to police custody.
‘Padman’ film producer held for Rs 31 crore fraud
Reviewed by Kailash
December 09, 2018