Pollachi cops arrest 3 men for harassing girl

COIMBATORE: The Pollachi police secured 3 males for harassing and blackmailing a 19-year-old faculty pupil at Unjavelampatti on Monday. They have been on the lookout for some other man who is absconding.
The accused have been recognized as N Sabarirajan, 25, N Sathish, 29,T Vasanthakumar, 25, and Ok Thirunavukkarasu, 26. Thirunavukkarasu was absconding, police said.

According to the police, Sabarirajan and the sufferer have been friends. On February 12, the accused asked the coed to come back out of her faculty during the lunch destroy to satisfy him. She met him out of doors the school the place he had been looking forward to her in his four-wheeler.

“Once the sufferer got into the automobile, different accused who have been hiding till then, got into it. While the automobile was shifting, Sabarirajan attempted to strip her. Sathish shot a video of it,” an legit said.

The males wanted her fulfil their sexual wants. They started to blackmail her with the video. When she refused, the accused threw her out of the automobile after snatching her gold chain weighing one sovereign.

As the accused persevered to blackmail her with the video difficult money, the sufferer informed her parents and a grievance was registered.

The police registered a case.

Pollachi cops arrest 3 men for harassing girl Pollachi cops arrest 3 men for harassing girl Reviewed by Kailash on February 26, 2019 Rating: 5
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