US should not give aid to Pak until it stops harbouring terrorists: Haley

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK: Pakistan has a protracted history of harbouring terrorists and America should not give Islamabad even a dollar till it corrects its behaviour, Indian-American former US envoy to the UN Nikki Haley has said as she praised the Trump administration for properly proscribing monetary assistance to the country.

Haley, who has based a new coverage team 'Stand America Now' that can center of attention on the best way to keep the US secure, strong, and prosperous, wrote in an op-ed that once the US provides support to countries, "it is more than fair to ask what the US gets in return for our generosity" but as a substitute Pakistan mechanically opposed the US place on the UN on a number of issues.

"In 2017, Pakistan received nearly USD 1 billion in US foreign aid, the sixth most of any country. Much of the aid went to the Pakistani military. Some went for road, highway, and energy projects to assist the Pakistani people," Haley wrote within the op-ed 'Foreign Aid Should Only Go To Friends'.

"On all key votes at the UN, Pakistan opposed the American position 76 per cent of the time. Much more troubling, Pakistan also has a long history of harbouring terrorists who have killed US troops in Afghanistan," she said.

Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina, added that the Trump administration has "already wisely restricted assistance to Pakistan, but there is much more to be done."

Haley, who had stepped down as the US envoy to the UN on the end of last year, has previously strongly criticised Pakistan for proceeding to harbour terrorists that flip around and kill American squaddies whilst taking billions of greenbacks in international support from the US.

In an interview to US mag 'The Atlantic' in December, Haley had said the US didn't need to give money to international locations that wish hurt to America, cross in the back of its back and take a look at and "stop us from doing things".

"The one example I'll give you is, look at Pakistan. Giving them over a billion dollars, and they continue to harbour terrorists that turn around and kill our soldiers —that's never okay. We shouldn't even give them a dollar until they correct it. Use the billion dollars. That's not a small amount of change," she had said.

Last September, the Trump administration cancelled $300 million in army support to Islamabad for not doing enough towards terror groups active on its soil. Trump had defended his administration's decision to prevent masses of thousands and thousands of greenbacks in army support to Pakistan, announcing Islamabad does not do "a damn thing" for the US and its government helped late al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden disguise near its garrison town of Rawalpindi.

Haley's new coverage team goals to promote public insurance policies that enhance America's economy, culture, and nationwide security.

The team will supply knowledge to grassroots Americans, to focus on the risks and the alternatives they face locally and internationally. It will recommend the insurance policies that enhance the US at all ranges of presidency and within the broader media and culture.
US should not give aid to Pak until it stops harbouring terrorists: Haley US should not give aid to Pak until it stops harbouring terrorists: Haley Reviewed by Kailash on February 26, 2019 Rating: 5
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