AMBALA: Haryana cabinet minister Anil Vij on Thursday inaugurated ‘Abhinandan Dwar’ named after Wing Commander (WC) Abhinandan Varthaman at Ambala Cantonment. The gate has been built at a cost of Rs 30 lakh by means of the Cantonment Board Ambala (CBA) and its building was once completed just about a month ago, however the completing and inaugurations were pending.
Varun Kalia, CBA chief executing officer, mentioned, “Name of the gate has been made up our minds with a consensus of the board contributors throughout a gathering held in the recent past. The contributors suggested that the gate must be named after WC Abhinandan so the youths of the world feel motivated and likewise now we have a big presence of Air Force in Ambala Cantonment. This gate is part of our non-motorised delivery corridor this is being developed on the Mall Road of the town.”
As in step with resources, a lake on 8 acres is also being constructed in Cantonment house at the cost of round Rs 1.five crore.
Varun Kalia, CBA chief executing officer, mentioned, “Name of the gate has been made up our minds with a consensus of the board contributors throughout a gathering held in the recent past. The contributors suggested that the gate must be named after WC Abhinandan so the youths of the world feel motivated and likewise now we have a big presence of Air Force in Ambala Cantonment. This gate is part of our non-motorised delivery corridor this is being developed on the Mall Road of the town.”
As in step with resources, a lake on 8 acres is also being constructed in Cantonment house at the cost of round Rs 1.five crore.
Ambala Cantonment gets ‘Abhinandan Dwar’
Reviewed by Kailash
March 08, 2019