Youth held for posting obscene pics of woman online

Vadodara: A early life from Rajasthan was arrested by way of the Panchmahal police for allegedly clicking obscene pictures of a girl from Vejalpur in the district and then not easy Rs one crore from her circle of relatives. The early life had even posted the photographs on social media platforms.

The early life from Rajasthan had got right into a relationship with the lady who was married and far older to him. The early life clicked obscene footage of the lady and then sought Rs one crore from the circle of relatives of the lady. When his demand was no longer fulfilled, the early life posted the pictures on social media.

The circle of relatives of the lady approached the police that traced the early life with the assistance of the cyber crime mobile and arrested him from Dhannarkalan in Jodhpur district in Rajasthan.tnn

Youth held for posting obscene pics of woman online Youth held for posting obscene pics of woman online Reviewed by Kailash on March 30, 2019 Rating: 5
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