Allah promises forgiveness at holy night on Sat

MUMBAI: Saturday evening is the Islamic pageant of Shab E' Baraat, when Allah Almighty awards forgiveness, bounty and well being to those that search with a prayerful center. It is thought He forgives as many sinners as the hair on the lush sheep of the tribe of Banu Kalb.

The pageant starts at dusk Saturday for the reason that Islamic day begins at sunset. "Shab E' Baraat occurs on the 15th night of the month of Shaban," stated Maulana Akram Ishati of the Four Bungalows Qabrastan Masjid. "The night is spent reciting verses from the Holy Quran, Istighfar and Durood Sharif. Following the Sunnat (tradition) of Prophet Mohammed, who fasted often during Shaban, especially the Ayyame Beez, people fast on the 13th, 14th and 15th days of this month."

The Prophet once visited the graveyard to wish for the souls of the deceased at Shab E' Baraat, and that has grow to be a custom over time. The Four Bungalows cemetery was once painted and festooned with lighting fixtures to welcome guests. Over 2,000 graves together with the ones of Kaifi Azmi and Farooque Shaikh are situated here.

The Bada Qabrastan in Marine Lines receives the most important footfalls within the city. Trustee Shuaib Khatib was once supervising arrangements Friday.
Allah promises forgiveness at holy night on Sat Allah promises forgiveness at holy night on Sat Reviewed by Kailash on April 19, 2019 Rating: 5
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