Priyanka Chopra is currently in Mumbai and the celebrity was papped at 'The Sky is Pink' manufacturer Sidharth Roy Kapur's place of job with her mother Madhu Chopra. Recently, Parineeti took to her Instagram profile to percentage a picture with PeeCee, their friend and her brother Siddharth Chopra.
The feature is proof that Priyanka partied all evening with Pari, her brother Sidharth and a pal. Parineeti captioned the submit as, ''FAM JAM BAM WHAM!! Party start time:10pm. End time:10am 😳😳 Coffee Budget 💰💰💰@priyankachopra @siddharthchopra89''. In the picture, we will see Pari in a black and white pantsuit while PeeCee opted for a lovable inexperienced get dressed.
Check out the submit right here:
Meanwhile, at the work entrance, Priyanka might be noticed subsequent in 'The Sky is Pink' alongside Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim. While Pari was closing noticed in Akshay Kumar starrer 'Kesari'.
The feature is proof that Priyanka partied all evening with Pari, her brother Sidharth and a pal. Parineeti captioned the submit as, ''FAM JAM BAM WHAM!! Party start time:10pm. End time:10am 😳😳 Coffee Budget 💰💰💰@priyankachopra @siddharthchopra89''. In the picture, we will see Pari in a black and white pantsuit while PeeCee opted for a lovable inexperienced get dressed.
Check out the submit right here:
View this submit on InstagramFAM JAM BAM WHAM!! Party start time:10pm. End time:10am 😳😳 Coffee Budget 💰💰💰@priyankachopra @siddharthchopra89
Meanwhile, at the work entrance, Priyanka might be noticed subsequent in 'The Sky is Pink' alongside Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim. While Pari was closing noticed in Akshay Kumar starrer 'Kesari'.
PC partied with bro Siddharth and sis Parineeti
Reviewed by Kailash
June 08, 2019