80% of NRHM grants used in Gujarat

AHMEDABAD: The state executive within the last three financial years under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) has received a total grant of Rs 2179 crore of which only 80% of the grants is being utilized. The executive within the written reply additionally admitted that the allocation of grants under NRHM has registered a drop.

According to a written respond to the question of Punja Vansh, within the 12 months 2015-16 the state received a grant of Rs 774 crore an average little not up to Rs 65 crore per 30 days, whilst within the 12 months 2016-17 the grant received was once Rs 861 crore at an average of roughly Rs 72 crore per 30 days. The executive additional said that within the current financial 12 months the state as on December 31,2017 has received Rs 544 crore at an average of Rs 60 crore per 30 days.

The executive reply additionally stated that the grant which remains unutilised was once added to the grant received for the next 12 months financial. The grants under the NRHM are received to take action against communicable sicknesses and non-communicable sicknesses. The grants are received for National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme, National Leprosy Eradication Programme, Integrated Disease Surveillance Project, National Programme for prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cadiovescular sicknesses and stroke, National Programme For Control of Blindness, deafness among others.
80% of NRHM grants used in Gujarat 80% of NRHM grants used in Gujarat Reviewed by Kailash on March 15, 2018 Rating: 5
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