Plaint filed over morphed Jesus, nun pictures in FB

Mangaluru: The Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh has lodged a grievance with the police against a person who made derogatory remarks on Facebook and other social media demeaning Jesus Christ and Christian nuns.

Rolphy D’Costa, president of Catholic Sabha, alleged that after everybody was celebrating Christmas, a person named Ravindragowda Patil wrote derogatory remarks about Jesus Christ and nuns. Patil morphed photos of Jesus Christ and put it on social media. He additionally morphed photos of Christian nuns. “Such photographs have harm the feelings of peace-loving Christians,” he added.

They have filed a grievance with the deputy commissioner, town police commissioner and superintendent of police to do so in this regard.

Plaint filed over morphed Jesus, nun pictures in FB Plaint filed over morphed Jesus, nun pictures in FB Reviewed by Kailash on December 28, 2018 Rating: 5
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