SURAT: In a tragic incident, a seven-year-old boy named Rohan R Bhil, resident of Girnar Society, Nana Varachha died after falling in an open manhole of drainage line near Nana Varachha police chowki in Kapodra police station house on Sunday afternoon.
Fire officials had been in a position to search out his frame 1 km clear of the place he had fallen into the manhole after seek operation of nearly five hours. His frame was once taken to SMIMER clinic.
According to witnesses, following heavy downpour within the city, water was once gushing down the drain traces from different parts of the street. Rohan, along side water was once flown within the open manhole of drain line. Someone saw this and alerted the fire officials, who rushed to the spot and started searching the boy.
Fire officials wearing out a seek operation for the boy
Vasant Parikh, leader fireplace officer stated, “ We sent two of our other folks within the manhole with oxygen mask to look for the boy. However, distance of Tapi river outlet from the manhole wherein the boy fell is ready 1 km and after five hours of seek, we now have discovered the boy (frame).”
Fire officials had been in a position to search out his frame 1 km clear of the place he had fallen into the manhole after seek operation of nearly five hours. His frame was once taken to SMIMER clinic.
Surat: Boy falls right into a drainage line in Nana Varachha house, rescue operation on.
— TOI Ahmedabad (@TOIAhmedabad) 1531658085000
According to witnesses, following heavy downpour within the city, water was once gushing down the drain traces from different parts of the street. Rohan, along side water was once flown within the open manhole of drain line. Someone saw this and alerted the fire officials, who rushed to the spot and started searching the boy.
Fire officials wearing out a seek operation for the boy
Vasant Parikh, leader fireplace officer stated, “ We sent two of our other folks within the manhole with oxygen mask to look for the boy. However, distance of Tapi river outlet from the manhole wherein the boy fell is ready 1 km and after five hours of seek, we now have discovered the boy (frame).”
Surat: Boy dies after falling into open manhole
Reviewed by Kailash
July 15, 2018