KANPUR: Two ATM thieves had been arrested by surveillance team of ADG Kanpur zone on Sunday. Ajay and Manish Kumar, each citizens of Shyamnagar house of Chakeri, have been arrested while they have been on technique to hack any other ATM on Sunday, the reputable informed TOI. The accused, each motor mechanic, informed the police that they used to modify off the ATM power panel and then steal the cash, said the reputable.
“They extensively utilized to cast off the CCTV installed in the ATM before stealing money,” said reputable further. The accused have admitted committing crimes at Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. The police have recovered 19 ATM playing cards and Rs 8,000 in cash from their possession. “Following inputs given by the two, the police at the moment are on lookout for their accomplices,” said ADG Kanpur zone Avinash Chandra. tnn
“They extensively utilized to cast off the CCTV installed in the ATM before stealing money,” said reputable further. The accused have admitted committing crimes at Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. The police have recovered 19 ATM playing cards and Rs 8,000 in cash from their possession. “Following inputs given by the two, the police at the moment are on lookout for their accomplices,” said ADG Kanpur zone Avinash Chandra. tnn
2 ATM thieves arrested in Kanpur
Reviewed by Kailash
February 11, 2019